Years of experience Successful bat evictions and counting +18,000 +20

We’ve engineered all our expertise into the BatPak.

You’ll be amazed by the ease and capability of its patented design.
Even the federal government uses it. Our all-in-one DIY eviction kit is user-friendly, humane and effective.


Nick Hossle

BatPak Pro

“My wife was seriously freaked out by the bats. I earned major points by getting them all out and doing it humanely with BatPak.”


South Dakota

“I’d call myself a beginner at DIY projects. But I was totally able to finish the job with BatPak.”



“The cost savings makes it a no-brainer. BatPak all the way.”


South Dakota

“I didn’t want to hurt them, I just wanted them to leave. So glad I found BatPak.”




Blue Collar Roots

Our roots are in the construction industry and we respect those who are willing to get their hands dirty.

Old-Fashioned Honesty

We’ll shoot you straight everytime, because that’s what we expect from ourselves and from those we do business with.

DIY Spirit

Taking on tasks inspires confidence and greater independence one project at a time.

Peaceful Coexistence

We’re committed to the humane and ethical removal of bats, because they were put here with a purpose.

Genuine Expertise

With more than 20 years of experience, BatPak brings real-world solutions that get the job done.

Never settle

We strive for excellence and ongoing innovation in the solutions we provide to homeowner challenges.

Stay in the know and keep your home a bat-free zone.